Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Upper Columbia Fish Passage

This post and text is courtesy of Steve Bird's Upper Columbia Blogspot - He is a fellow angler, guide, supporter and advocate for the Upper Columbia American Reach and beyond.....Take time to inform yourself through the links in this post and take the time to submit input - jack

.........I wrote a couple posts recently about the importance of the upcoming renewal of the Columbia River Treaty with Canada. The original treaty, which went into effect in 1964, was about flood control & energy guarantees, & made no provision for fish. The U.S. Entity, comprised of the Bonneville Power Administration and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, are considering proposals for a third mandate to serve the native fishery. Maria Cantwell gives an outline of the treaty in my earlier post ‘Salmon Returned to The Upper Columbia?’ And Suzanne Skinner outlines it here: 

A confederation of upper river tribes & tribal fishery agencies have drafted & submitted a plan to the Entity that suggests eventual fish passages around Chief Joseph & Grand Coulee Dams, as well as several Canadian dams, & re-establishing anadromous runs in the upper Columbia

I am surprised how little press this seems to be getting, as one would expect a groundswell of support from every citizen of the Pacific Northwest & beyond.  The reopening of another 2000 miles of drainage to salmon & steelhead? The economic & environmental boon to our state, & beyond? The jobs created? (Real jobs.) This is an opportunity we cannot afford to pass up. Please, take a few minutes & read the tribal proposal, then send an email to your state reps & the governor & let them know how vital this is to the future of our state.    


  1. Thanks for posting this Jack. I've been letting that post ride because it's so damn important. State reps have much influence on the way this will go, but unfortunately they are staying mum, afraid to put their support behind anything perceived as costing money (unless it profits a specific entity capable of anteing a pac contribution). Politicians aside, vocal citizens could make this dream come true, if only we become vocal (or writerly).

  2. The Spokane Riverkeeper is watching this issue closely and advocates for a swimmable and fishable Spokane River. We firmly recognize the value and power of the return of our anadromous fisheries and we will celebrate the day that our native Columbia Basin redband trout return as native steelhead (alongside reintroduced Chinook salmon). Please keep posting on this issue and please keep educating the public about it.

  3. Jerry, Thanks for the note! I will do my best. Steve Bird has been the best advocate we have; I tend to just echo his vocalization, which in the end gets the word out!
