Sunday, December 14, 2014


Chad & Stephanie along with PIGFARM INK have a free event planned at SOUL RIVER RUNS DEEP  'IRON FLY'   If you get a chance, stop by Soul River on the 10th!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Just living the dream

This excerpt is from an interview recently by Forbes magazine with Tom Bie, the editor and chief of The Drake Magazine:

Forbes: What’s different about this generation of fly anglers and fly writers?

Bie: Other than an incessant need to film and Facebook themselves, not much. I think way too much is made of the “new generation” of fly fishers or whatever. Just like skiing or surfing or so many other sports, many will claim to be doing something “revolutionary,” only to find out that some old dude was doing it in the 70s with a beer in one hand.

Just saying......

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Evening Hatch New Reports Page

Check out our new reports blog...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Drake

Great photo taken just the other night on the Upper Columbia by CJ Emerson, Evening Hatch Sr. Guide.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Upper Columbia Fish Passage

This post and text is courtesy of Steve Bird's Upper Columbia Blogspot - He is a fellow angler, guide, supporter and advocate for the Upper Columbia American Reach and beyond.....Take time to inform yourself through the links in this post and take the time to submit input - jack

.........I wrote a couple posts recently about the importance of the upcoming renewal of the Columbia River Treaty with Canada. The original treaty, which went into effect in 1964, was about flood control & energy guarantees, & made no provision for fish. The U.S. Entity, comprised of the Bonneville Power Administration and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, are considering proposals for a third mandate to serve the native fishery. Maria Cantwell gives an outline of the treaty in my earlier post ‘Salmon Returned to The Upper Columbia?’ And Suzanne Skinner outlines it here: 

A confederation of upper river tribes & tribal fishery agencies have drafted & submitted a plan to the Entity that suggests eventual fish passages around Chief Joseph & Grand Coulee Dams, as well as several Canadian dams, & re-establishing anadromous runs in the upper Columbia

I am surprised how little press this seems to be getting, as one would expect a groundswell of support from every citizen of the Pacific Northwest & beyond.  The reopening of another 2000 miles of drainage to salmon & steelhead? The economic & environmental boon to our state, & beyond? The jobs created? (Real jobs.) This is an opportunity we cannot afford to pass up. Please, take a few minutes & read the tribal proposal, then send an email to your state reps & the governor & let them know how vital this is to the future of our state.    

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Second Annual Klickitat Two Hander Day

This free gathering is for those who would like to learn not only how to cast the two hander better and further, but also how to fish it!

11AM - 12PM CHECK IN at Leidl Access on the Klickitat - Directions to Leidl - After crossing the bridge...Leidl campground is on both sides of the highway... Take a left to enter the west side campground and follow the sign down river...

Class topics to most likely include but not limited to...

-> Demystifying the variety of two hand lines
-> Beginner two hand casting 
-> Intermediate/advanced two hand casting
-> Getting more distance
-> Fishing the fly, hooking and fighting fish
-> Single hand spey casting
-> Up against the trees 
-> Combining casts to optimize efficiency
-> Long Belly Casting vs Underhand Casting
-> Overhead Casting with the Two Hander

Schedule of Events

-> 12-4:30 PM free classes and free riverside barbecue
-> 4:30 - 6:30 Open time
-> 6:30 - 8:30 Free Barbecue and Catch Mag viewing at The Steelhead Ranch
-> At Dark at The Steelhead Ranch - A Special Outside and Under the Stars Presentation of and by Catch Magazine.

Product lines represented by Echo, Redington, Sage, Rio, Airflo, Hardy/Greys, Vision and more to come.

Speakers; Brian Chou, Brian Styskal, Eric Neufeld, Ben Dow, Jack Mitchell, Steelie Mike, Trey Combs. Jeff Cottrell.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Upper Columbia

Big Water - Big Trout - That eat a swung fly better than not!!

North Shore

Recently on a North Shore hang out, we ate at 'Killer Tacos'.  The Tacos were just 'OK' but their sticker marketing was classic.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A couple photos and thoughts...

The horizon silhouette is surreal in nature. Crisp images that defy normalcy, wherein the scope of sight changes with a degree of movement. Never the same. Remarkable. 

The winter shrub steppe landscape is pared to the bone. In the next breath, vibrant and real. The stark beauty is sharp, clear, almost poignant; Ice full, leafless, extreme relief ... as beautiful as it gets, save for the green. The digital cannot capture the reality of nature but duplicates some of the clarity, transposing it for all to see. Images evoke emotion, however being there, the emotion lives -jm

Thursday, January 16, 2014