Friday, June 14, 2013

I am a big fan of fishing the fly under tension...  It doesn't get much better.

While trout fishing with a streamer  on the move in a drift boat I refer to it as 'the one shot deal'.  Casting up and away (quartering back) while drifting the angler has a chance to present the streamer in a fashion that   requires the trout to react in  'ambush mode' and is similar to that of a warm water fish (Smallmouth Bass and the like) response.  When retrieving streamers from the boat the angler is required to sink the streamer into 'buckets' or deeper segments and conversly retrieve in the shallower zones.  This technique requires the angler to decipher the water type and present accordingly.

Often times during the down slope of 'run-off' the streamer opportunity is heightened as the Rainbow is hungry after a long winter and coming off the spawn as typically run-off occurs after the spawn on many western streams. In addition, during run-off the water is bigger and generally less clear and the trout can capitalize more eagerly on the "big meal deal'.  Regardless, a well presented streamer  can be good year 'round.   A great streamer 'take or bite' can be electrifying.

Choosing a streamer pattern for the watershed you are fishing requires a bit of knowledge and at the same time a bit of luck. A few key factors when choosing a pattern might include... 1) Knowledge of bait fish types that are prevalent in the river.  2) The color of the river and 3) The type of fish you are targeting...  Rainbows, Browns or Cutthroat.

Depending on the depth of the river and behavior of the resident trout, streamers can be fished on dry lines, sink tips and full sinking lines. Probably one my favorite lines for a river that averages 3-6ft in depth is the Streamer Tip by Rio-  6 Weight - Type 6.

Have fun fishing the streamer; it can be a lot of work....but the rewards can be awesome.